Monday, March 9, 2009

We're heeeeere! (Catching up)

Well... here I am finally catching up from the move! What a serious pain! Anyway...

Here's Thursday's account:

Everything was going so smoothly... Too smoothly, of course! About 30 minutes out of Charlotte, someone pulled up next to us on the highway and started yelling about the trailer. We thought the car was about to fall off.. no, The car was okay, but a tire had exploded! Well... we got it fixed, but sure did have an adventure!

Enjoy our last day's photos:

Let's go to Virginia!!

Peace OUT South Carolina!!

More of South Carolina's SNOW! It had been so long since we had seen this much snow!

A Giant Peach!

Finally! Only 1 more state to go!

We stopped to build a snowman in North Carolina!

Ah, how pretty!!

Waaaaaaay in the background is Charlotte (uh, I think.... my photos got messed up)!

And so begins the drama! This is what we discovered our exploded tire looked like. It took a total of 3 hours to call Penske, get a guy out there (who was named- no kidding- Little Joe) and finally fix the tire.

Mary... so sad.... now what do we do?!

Kyle calling Penske!

Gidget says, Let's get this show on the road!

Finally.... Home to Virginia... it still took almost 3 hours to get to Hampton, but we got there!!!

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